The Story of Wino Dark matter Varun Vaidya Dept. of Physics, CMU DIS 2015 Based on the work with M. Baumgart and I. Rothstein, (PRL) & (JHEP) Evidence for dark matter Rotation curves
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July 15, 2016 PPC Probing Dark Matter at the LHC SM SM DM DM Search for production of DM particles from interacting SM particles Models tested at Atlas assume DM WIMP Infer DM production through The Story of Wino Dark matter Varun Vaidya Dept. of Physics, CMU DIS 2015 Based on the work with M. Baumgart and I. Rothstein, (PRL) & (JHEP) Evidence for dark matter Rotation curves Although inherited DNA sequences have a well-demonstrated role in psychiatric disease risk, for even the most heritable Dark Matter Zine began life as a PDF magazine before morphing into a website. From time to time DMZ still publishes zines, electronically and with a very The cosmological observations coupled with theoretical calculations suggest the existence of enormous amount of unseen and unknown matter or dark matter in the The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). Here is The CompletePDF Book Library. It's free to register here to get Book file PDF A Dark Matter Pocket Guide.
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